Wednesday 11 May 2011

i am definitely a digital immigrant.....

..Because as I lie here in my tent in a field in the middle of North Yorkshires (Hawes to be precise), looking up at the limestone escarpments, the dry stone walls and the sheep grazing I thinks its PRETTY NEAT that I can update my blog. Yep, I know Anna and Joe would roll their eyes at this because it's OBVIOUS that this is possible but I think its really clever.

What's the day held for me? Calls of curlew across the fields, peewit chasing each other and doing their amazing acrobatic stuff (do they do this just for fun or are they catching food on the wing?) And oystercatcher screaming as if I've offended them greatly. Now what are oyster catcher doing on limestone hills eh?

One further noteworthy thing: almost every field has a neat and well-kept little barn in it. We saw these before when Ja£mes and I walked the C2C but why are they so prevalent in Yorkshire but not elsewhere?

Cycled further than planned today (76km) and the last third into th eheadwind. Which takes it out of you. Washing done, bike computer safely charging in the site office. Time for a little rest I think.

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