Wednesday 12 October 2011

"Be prepared to stop"

I've been seeing it since I first started the ride back in Washington in mid August.

Every few miles there are these big orange roadsigns that they erect before every bit of roadworks. I'd thought that they were something to do with the roadworks or something but now, I realise, they've been put up just for me! And, to my shame, I've not been taking any notice of them until today when I realise that I should have been paying attention and, yes, preparing myself to stop.

I reached a scadgy, dusty little town this morning. There was a little roadside cafe, lots of border guards and a slight edginess to the place. It was Tacate. The town I've been heading for for the last 4000 km. I got there this morning at 10:30am 'pacific west' time (that's 81:30hrs UK time and 06:40hrs the next day (Thursday) NZ time.

I realised that I hadn't 'prepared myself to stop' andnow feel all rather empty and pointless! I cycled back up the hill to Protrero and treated myself to a grilled chicken sandwich and pepsi and the waitress was good enough to sound impressed at my achievement. She even took a photo of me.

I'm still suffering a little from whatever ailed me at Oak grove t'other day. I think I've still got a bit of a temperature. Still, it's off to the campsite now for a shower and rest and a 60km ride into San Diego tomorrow to stay, I hpe, at Steve's house. Steve and I rode together into Kings Canyon Park earlier on the ride.

My thanks to you for following me and encourgaing me along the way. Your little words of encouragement have meant the world to me.

San Diego and then Irvine to meet Ella beckon.....


  1. Well done :) so proud of you!

  2. Well Done Mike!!!
    And thanks very much for the regional time update - much appreciated :)
    Of course you don't have to stop - you could push on to Tierra Del Fuego, the only place on earth save Antarctica and a few rocks south of here :)
    But I guess Biddy may have a thing or two to say about that :)

  3. Congratulations! Now that you've done the north to south route, you're ready for the coast to coast ride. Maybe after a little break in N.Z. I hope you're feeling better soon so you can enjoy your reunion with your wife and a little different kind of holiday (notice that I'm getting all British with the "holiday" instead of "vacation"). Anyway, it was great to ride with you for the few days we were together. I hope all of your future rides are as successful and fun as this one.


  4. Mike, have you actually finished?
    Is there a finishing line/point?
    When did you/will you get there?

    Sorry to here you've been crook.

    Hope you feel A1 very soon.

    And WELL DONE!

  5. Congratulations! Well done on making it so far. Hope you're feeling better now and enjoy San Diego.
